== Agencies overseeing Cannabis in Utah ==
- BioTrackTHC
- - State regulatory compliance engine
- * https://www.biotrack.com/utah/
- Utah State Tax Commission
- - State department of revenue
- * https://tax.utah.gov/
- Utah Department of Agriculture and Food
- - Cultivation, Agriculture, Production, and Licensee authority
- * http://www.ag.utah.gov/
- * http://www.ag.utah.gov/cannabis-information.html
- Utah Department of Health
- - Patient registry
- * https://health.utah.gov/
- * https://health.utah.gov/medical-cannabis
== Agencies overseeing Cannabis in Utah ==
- BioTrackTHC
- - State regulatory compliance engine
- * https://www.biotrack.com/missouri/
- Missouri Department of Revenue
- * https://dor.mo.gov/
- Missouri Department of Agriculture
- * https://agriculture.mo.gov/
- * https://agriculture.mo.gov/hemp-pilot/
- Utah Department of Health
- - Patient registry
- * https://health.mo.gov/
- * https://health.mo.gov/safety/medical-marijuana/index.php
- * https://health.mo.gov/safety/medical-marijuana/statistics.php